An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ballet for Dummies.

Today it hit me. It really did.

I have a somewhat strict Ballet teacher. She is pretty sarcastic as well. One time, a guy in my class mentioned how sore he was. Her response? "I missed where I care."

It wasn't even me and I felt like I was melting into the slick, marley floor.


I decided that all along, my motivation has been skewed. For these past few weeks, I have been dancing for my teacher. This is terrible. I am ashamed of myself. My motivation should be for the one who gave me these legs and this heart for music and leotards and turning my body into a human pretzel.

On a totally unrelated but completely related note...

I'm going to go see So You Think You Can Dance in KC with my friend Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you have no idea how excited I am. I have watched this beautiful show for about, oh, several years now. And it is better every year. And it has always been my dream to go see it live. And that dream is about to come true. I. Can't. WAIT.

Sorry to geek out. It's just...whew. My eyes are dry. I don't know what this irrelevant statement has to do with such a wonderful event. Just felt like sharing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Alka-Seltzer+a shortage on kleenex=a very unwanted sickness.

I'm sick.

My froomate Jessica was nice enough to give me alka-seltzer. Now. Lets talk about this. Alka-Seltzer works really well sometimes. But I think it's absolutely nasty. You know those children that just cannot or refuse to swallow horse pills (why are they called horse pills? Hm? Do horses take pills of that size, henceforth and whereto the name? Or is it simply because horses are big, and are henceforth and hitherto an ample comparison? Because I do not feel like I'm swallowing a horse when I try to get those pills down. More like a spaceship. Thank you for your parenthetical time). Do you see where I was going with this? Bunny tracks are only good in ice cream, not stories. And yes I just made that up. I like corny, macabre puns that make you want to cry.

Speaking of crying...

Alka-Seltzer is like a weird soda. My mom would make me take it. It tastes like fairy vomit.

Another blogging point I wanted to make was that professors never have kleenexes. And I want to know why. I know I'm not in high school anymore, where there are always mounds of boxes. But I never see ANY. people not get colds in college?!!! Do these professors not realize what season this is?!!! Was there a shortage at Wal-Mart?! I'm disgustedly sick.

I was going to make another point, but I forgot. It had nothing to do with sickness though, so it would probably be bad blogging etiquette to write it...Seeing how my title is very umbrella-like and specific.

Oh! I remembered! I'm going to say it anyway.

Bikers. On campus. Are like a hurricane. Every time they whiz past me, I can't help thinking....what if I had moved, just an inch? They would have squashed me. And I know what you're thinking. A Bike, Bekah? Really? Bikes are harmless. Suck it up and let them have the sidewalk, like the maniacs they are. (Things you will see a lot in my blog: parentheses (eh? Eh?!!!) Double parentheses, and little italicized words to denote ethereal thoughts in my head) well let me tell you something. Bikes are not harmless. I can see myself lying there, bleeding out of the tire-treaded gash in my back. People will walk by and say, Oh my. It looks like she was attacked by a deranged, rabid squirrel! 

And don't even get me started on the squirrels on this campus...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"'s a Natural Disaster."

I have this class. It's called Natural Disasters. It's about...well...Natural Disasters. I hate to tell you this. But it's boring. The earth is cool. SO WHY AM I BORED? Because. My professor has a lulling voice that would put wolves to sleep. But I learned that if the earth was the size of a basketball, the earth's crust would be as thin as an apple skin. That's all I have squeezed out of this defective learning environment. 

Observations I have made whilst wallowing my worthless wile away:

1. Professor Keith Miller doesn't ever wear a tie. 

2. Someone didn't wear deodorant today. 

3. I could be working on my Earthquake summary right now, but I'm blogging instead. Better choice, I should think.

4. I'm sitting in the lobby blogging by myself. Well except for this other kid. It's his birthday I guess so he's drawing random cake and presents all over the board...So I'm not alone, technically. Did anyone even get this kid a present?

5. I have some K-State basketball players in Nattie D. Wanna know how I know? They're tall, they wear sweats, they slouch in their seats, and they wear K-State basketball t-shirts. Dead giveaway. 

6. Whenever Professor Miller even mentions "short film" or "quick video", everyone gets up and just leaves. I stay and watch. Short films are awesome.

7. I have found the perfect seating arrangement in that class. I sit near the back in the middle. Prof likes to walk a certain distance up the row, but I have found he only reaches a certain point, pauses, then turns and walks back. Texting becomes foolproof (not like I text in that class or anything).

8. I really need to work on my earthquake summary. 

9. I despise small talk. I feel like I'm eating a sweaty sock. It just doesn't work for me.