An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oprah, Kramer and whippage of hair back and forth.

Oprah. I want to know. How is this woman successful? What was the point where she woke up and decided, no turning back. I'm going to own my own talk show. And if I decided to own one, would it work that way for me? Probably not. So what is it about Oprah that brings the sobs all around the world? Her voice makes me think of Feng Shui. You can't even hear her name now without thinking, I may just start crying because of that one episode where she bought a house for the family that was financially unstable. And it's crazy to think that years ago, no one knew who Oprah even was. She has surpassed even celebrities. She's in BOARD GAMES for crying out loud!!!!! I just...don't know what to do. And she's just so filthy rich. It's like every show she's handing out free cars for everyone in the audience or she rolls in giving high fives and announces, "hey everyone! You're all going to resorts in Australia because I feel good!" It just. I mean if Bill Gates had a talk show? Can you imagine how THAT would go? Oprah would be a thing of the past. People would get free planets. 

I think Kramer from Seinfeld is hilarious. If I was a man I would want to look like and have the  mannerisms of Kramer. But I'm not. So we're just gonna move on.

Willow Smith. I had not even heard of this child until this song, "I whip my hair back and forth" came out. I don't understand the song. The child is nine years old. In the song, she talks about "when they see me pull up, I whip it real hard" (I'm assuming her hair). Pull up in what?!!!!!! Her Barbie Convertible?!!!! She can't drive!!!! I don't...understand. It just bothers me when mere children talk about things such as pulling up in invisible cars. She also mentions, "Don't let haters keep me off my grind". What haters? Grind?! I didn't even know what haters meant at the age of nine. Do kids even know how to hate? I just think society has driven this whole child-star thing out the door and through several buildings. The rest of the song goes on to tell us, if we didn't get it the first ten choruses, that she likes to whip her hair back and forth. Willow, I'm sorry you're named after a tree.

P.S. Bon Jovi keeps looking older and older.

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