An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 16, 1:57 a.m. Eastern Time-Facebook whispers my name...

Okay. I miss Facebook. It's official. I had this weird obsession with spending hours looking at pictures of people that I hardly knew. And now that I watch my friends from afar doing said creepy activity, I'm just itching to get back on. 

But it's all in my head...right?

I don't REALLY need to respond to the seemingly endless wall-posts that I imagine are clogging my notifications. Right?

I don't need to check those important messages about that event that I might not even go to but I'll check 'maybe" anyway because I'm wishy washy...........right?


Enough about Facebook.

I've decided that the laundry room in Moore Hall is the perfect place to relax. I love washing machines.

I have also realized I have this superfluous fear of treadmills. I have aptly named this fear, "Tread-Dread". I ran on one in the Rec Center tonight and the whole time I was sweating. Not from the workout......(I only had it on about level 5.5. I can just hear you judging me. Don't) but from the constant fear that I was going to be distracted for one second or slow down and it would be all over. I've fallen on a treadmill before. It might surprise you to know that you can't stop running on a treadmill. I found that out the hard way. (Again with the judging...)

While we're on the subject of things I've learned:

All-nighters aren't much of a reality for me anymore. I'm getting old.

Never tell an Architect his letter "P" is looking a little crooked. Did you know they spend hours on those letters...? Whoops.

Free stuff and coupons are awesome. That goes for anyone at any stage in life.

I got a new phone cover for my phone. It looks like a Transformer (not exactly something I've learned...but I just thought you should know) 

Some people just are on a NOT-need-to-know-basis. Find this out before you tell them anything. I'm over it.

When they say "poor college students", they MEAN IT.


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