An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I have been officially Reganed.

Guess who has two thumbs and just saw Brian Regan live?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This gal.


It was inexplicably indescribably AWESOME! As I've mentioned one too many times to mention, I want to be a comedian when I don't grow up. So this hits the ticket.

I don't think that's right...

Hits the nail on the head? At any rate. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. So it was good.

There are slogans out there that have false advertising all up in here. 

Like the Always brand. "Have a happy period". Wow. Not enough words to describe how false this is. The words "happy" and "period" do not even belong in the same sentence. The same universe. I bet it was a male that came up with this saying. 

"Spangles, it just tastes better." Compared to what? Better than what? I need a chart. When I walk into Spangles, I want to see a statistical chart that shows what Spangles is better than. Every restaurant. 

"Wheaties: The breakfast of Champions!" there an ingredient I'm missing? Because one day I was eating Wheaties (a rare occasion. I was always more of a Frosted Flakes fan) and I looked at the ingredients. I didn't see any notes about Steroids or muscle-influencing supplements. Joke. But really. After I ate them I went back to bed. So does that imply that I must be a Champion BEFORE I can eat the Wheaties? Is there a Wheaties osmosis that has to occur? Or do I become a Champion by eating said cereal? I just want to be a champion. 

1 comment:

Our Chloe Elizabeth said...

i haven't read your blog in a while, but did today, and liked the one where you talked about "have a happy period" ;). I have a friend who goes back and forth with me on this one as we try to understand what idiot came up with that slogan!!! ;)