An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Philoso-FIN (see what I did there? Mixed subjects here), and many other quandaries.

Well. I got my first quiz back in Philosophy. As soon as I saw it, I dreaded telling my mother...I knew she'd manage to make a point on how she told me I should have taken a math class instead.

I was TOLD by my advisor that art students could take Intro to Moral Philosophy as a math credit. It sounded so simple; so easy. I figured I would just learn the material and tune out for the most part, as I generally disagree with most of the opinions stated anyway...

Math for art students. PFT. I had forgotten that half of my brain even worked...

I've also decided that it's weird when people say you're acting like an animal. Urban dictionary defines the term "animalistic" as:
acting like an animal or beast. acting crazy.
But I ask you this: do animals kill their own? No. Animals are instinctive creatures. They do exactly what they were made to do. They take care of their own. If anything, we should be saying "you're being humanistic." Or "peopleistic".  How crazy is crazy, anyway? I've seen some pretty crazy people...
I also want to know why Police radar detectors (that you can buy pretty easily) are not illegal. Riddle me this.

Have you ever had that awkward moment when you see someone you know and you wave but they don't wave back? Or when you both have obviously seen each other, but you avoid eye contact and pretend to texts whilst the other does the same? say the same thing at the same time? "Hey how's it going?" Did that today. Exact same time. On a scale of one to awkward I'd give it a 62.786.

Today, a grasshopper attacked my face in my car while I was driving. Needless to say, I was NOT happy with it. I pulled over and when it finally flew outside I prayed that a car would run it over and it would melt to death.
I've been off coffee for a week now, and I already feel like I'm detoxing. I need it. I crave it. 

Yes, I think abortion is wrong. Yes, I still sometimes catch myself thinking they're saying "Youth-in-Asia". No, I have no concept of politics and don't really intend to start studying such things at a scholarly level. Yes, my professor reminds me of Mr. Frederickson from "UP". There. "And that's my new philosophy!" You're welcome for that reference.

Have you ever stared at a word for so long that it starts looking really weird? And you keep saying it over and over again, then all of a sudden the feeling's gone. And it's just a word again. Like, deja word. A writer on crack might know what I'm talking about. 

I really, really need some coffee. 

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