An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Thursday, January 19, 2012


I have decided, among other things (such as, "to follow Jesus, no turning back"), that I am going to marry Tim Tebow.

Now. I know what you're thinking. That there are so many other women out there that have vowed the exact same thing. But I would like to point out some differences between me and those women.

Reasons Why I Will Marry Tim Tebow:

1. Our parents were both missionaries.
2. We're both left-handed. Might not be a fact, but he might as well be.
3. ...we both throw a football left-handed.
4. We both love Jesus.
5. We both like to win.
6. We both love football.
7. I have a Broncos sweater.

It's obviously a match made in Heaven.

In all seriousness, though, I have been reading Tim Tebow's biography, "Through my Eyes". I'm finding that though he's not the best of writers, his heart for God is so clear and obvious. Even when I watch Tebow on national TV or read articles about him, he has no qualms about professing his faith in his precious and beloved Savior. It made me start to think. We all have heard the sermon about your actions speaking louder than your words, that the fruit describes the tree, etc. But it's so profoundly true. I think about my interactions with people on a daily basis; at work, school, even at home. It makes me ashamed and convicted. When I am interacting with those that I know do not love Jesus or are not following Him, why am I not sharing with them every single chance I get? My actions should scream "LORD!" louder than my words, and my words should follow it up.

 I want to make an apparent change in my life. I don't want people to be surprised when they find out I'm a follower of Christ. But I think one thing I need to do is learn to love. I think about all the people in my life that have upset me or angered me. We think we know how to truly love everyone, but it is such an incredibly hard thing to actually do. I can think of many people that I can't fathom loving. And that's where I need to begin.
I've recently been looking at these people in a new light. That God created them, just like He created me, and He loves them unconditionally. So...what's my excuse?

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