An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Monday, June 28, 2010

Vets and Losers

Well. Today, I worked. Then I went with my dad to try and wrangle our sweet Mickey to the vet. She's stubborn as a mule when it comes to the vet...but I can understand. She's scared. When we got there she would cower behind the plastic chairs, as if to make herself invisible. As soon as she would hear a door open somewhere in the building, she would rush to the door, almost running headlong into it in the process. If I didn't feel so bad for her, I would have laughed. The checkup took forever, especially since the vet talked our ear off about his farm back home. It was quite the adventure. Mickey got to sit in the air conditioned car for once, though, so I think the ride home was more of a relief to her than anything.

Got home. Went for a run. I've decided to run a half marathon in October. That's the goal, anyway. could be closer to a 5K if I can't keep up with heavy training. I've been moving my mileage up once a week. This week is 4 miles. I might have to do two weeks of 4 miles...haha. My mom and I have been watching the show, "Losing it with Jillian", Jillian Michaels of "Biggest Loser". Jillian is a tough cookie, and she yells at everyone. So when I run, or overeat, I just imagine Jillian yelling, "You big, fat loser!!!!!! STOP EATING AND GO RUN 10 MILES!!!!" It works....most of the time.

Friday, June 25, 2010

"These commands I give to you today shall be on your heart..."

So I've decided that I want to try and run a half marathon in October. It's going to take some training and self-control...but Lord knows I need that.

Speaking of Lord...I've been thinking about some things and not to mention learning as of late. Since no one even reads this I don't mind rambling a bit.

1. Going to church DOES NOT make you a Christian. I already knew this, but I heard it at church the other day and it hit me that there are people I know that feel they have a one-way ticket to Heaven through their attendance to church. Which saddens me.

2. God goes off of His time, not yours. I have been feeling recently that all I need to do is move out, get a new job, go to college, etc. But that's not what it's about. I feel like God is tugging gently at my heart and saying, "Stay where you're at, little one. Everything will come in it's own time." I have more to learn at the job I'm at now. I prayed before I went looking for jobs, and I told God to have everyone turn me down if I'm not there yet. I applied for five jobs. I received two rejections and the other three didn't even reply back. It felt like trying to find sponsors for the Miss Kansas Pageant all over again. But I know it was God telling me to slow down. So I did. And you know what? I've been doing perfectly fine. My mom pointed out that maybe God wants me at work to show my boss how to be more compassionate and understanding. And maybe she's right.

2. I don't know if God says things like "little one". But it sounds nice. I like to think of God like that.

3. Sometimes you just have to plain work hard to achieve your goals/dreams. My family hasn't done the best financially, and I've been learning to count it all a blessing. It's really hard to look at other people that have money and don't have to work as hard for the things they want, but having to work hard for what I want teaches me responsibility, and I have found that when you work as hard as you can, you eventually get rewarded and it pays off..

4. Patience. Patience, patience, patience. Getting mad about things gets you no where. "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1 When I react angrily, I find that the people around me react just as badly, if not worse. I have a hard time with this, because I have such a quick temper and I am full of pride. But it's just another thing that I have to continually ask God to help me with.

5. Just because my college schedule doesn't look great...doesn't mean it isn't. Random.

Well. S'bout all I have for now. But anyways. I'll be on heya latahhhhhh.

"He answered: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Luke 10:27

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First day of...Summer?

Yesterday was the first day of Summer.

No. I don't believe that. We were getting heat a month ago. And I'm already sick of it. Bring on the Fall. Not a big fan of super cold or super hot.

Did you know that you can put out pans of vinegar to get rid of unwanted smells? Yeah. I know. And you're probably asking the same question I asked. "But...uh...doesn't it...uh...leave the smell of...vinegar?" NO. It does not.

I'm still somewhat afraid of the dark on some occasions.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Toy Story 3

Sooooo...Toy Story 3 came out the other day.

That makes me feel so OLD.

I was, what, four when the first one came out?!! But I loved it. My siblings and I would watch it at least once a week. I loved the pure innocence of it, and the ideas within the movie held true with every childhood dream I had. I would even find myself willing my stuffed animals alive, and I would open doors quickly to try and see if my Raggedy Ann Doll was reading a newspaper while I wasn't looking. I may not have believed in Santa Clause, but I believed in my toys, which was even better in my mind. The human imagination is such an amazing and wonderful thing, especially in a child. So Toy Story 3 just had better be good. There's no other options. My imagination depends on it.

I've grown up with Toy Story. I love how every time it's come out, each age level has appropriated my own. I'm about to head off to college, as is Andy. It's almost like Toy Story 3 will be my final farewell to those things I held dear in my childhood. I think back with fondness to my Raggedy Ann, my stuffed animals, my Cat in the Hat books, my Barbies, my Polly Pockets, and so much more. They are reduced to memories, but oh, what memories they are!!!!!

So. Here is my dedication and my salute to Toy Story. Thanks for growing up alongside us.

Sorry this is so long. I was feeling like a sentimental fool.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Inspiration from Betty Crocker.

So tonight, I decided to look through the cookbooks that my parents got me for graduation.

Let me tell you something. I'm hyped.

I'm a burner. A burner is a type of person that burns everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. I burn RAMEN NOODLES. That's how bad I am.

So honestly? This whole wanting to cook thing probably isn't going to turn out so great. But. I need to learn sometime. And I don't usually get this excited about cooking so that must mean it won't end in smoke alarms blaring this time.

I hope.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Flooding...why do all of my titles have to do with rain?

The other day at the Satzler's, where I work, I was stranded. Yes. It was a torrential downpour, and their creek flooded right over the bank!!! It was crazy. The first flood I've ever been in. The house really wasn't too bad...It was more scary than anything. At the end of the night my arms were sore from lifting the heavy shop Vacs full of water. Both my bosses were stuck on the other side...they had come back too late. Oh well. We did fine on our own. We figured we had dumped a little over 400 gallons of water. Sheesh.

And guess what?! It's raining today!!!! YAYYYYY the last thing I want to see. I am turning tail and RUNNING...let me tell you!! I'm a little sick of water. Haha

But anyways.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Raining Cats and Dogs and awful cooking

Ah, blogging. It's rather like a mad mix between Twitter and Facebook...but so much better! Where else can I tweet AND post notes at the same time?

A little about myself. I am a recent Graduate of Riley County High School. I will be attending Kansas State University in the Fall, studying Art, Music Theater (Theatre, for the fancier types that spell color "colour"), and Dance. My family is very important to me; I have three siblings. Jesse (19), Janelle (17), and Levi (15). My parents are pretty cool too...I won't tell you their ages though. I also have a wonderful boyfriend Eric. I have a dog named Mickey (she's a girl. Surprise!) and a cat named Oreo. Guess what colors she is?!!! We're such an original family.

This is so fun! I love typing randomly and aimlessly about things that I pretend to understand. Honestly? I'm a horrible cook, and I made the remark today to my mom that I'm going to be an even more awful parent. I simply have so much to learn...

But that's the fun part, isn't it. :)