An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Monday, June 21, 2010

Toy Story 3

Sooooo...Toy Story 3 came out the other day.

That makes me feel so OLD.

I was, what, four when the first one came out?!! But I loved it. My siblings and I would watch it at least once a week. I loved the pure innocence of it, and the ideas within the movie held true with every childhood dream I had. I would even find myself willing my stuffed animals alive, and I would open doors quickly to try and see if my Raggedy Ann Doll was reading a newspaper while I wasn't looking. I may not have believed in Santa Clause, but I believed in my toys, which was even better in my mind. The human imagination is such an amazing and wonderful thing, especially in a child. So Toy Story 3 just had better be good. There's no other options. My imagination depends on it.

I've grown up with Toy Story. I love how every time it's come out, each age level has appropriated my own. I'm about to head off to college, as is Andy. It's almost like Toy Story 3 will be my final farewell to those things I held dear in my childhood. I think back with fondness to my Raggedy Ann, my stuffed animals, my Cat in the Hat books, my Barbies, my Polly Pockets, and so much more. They are reduced to memories, but oh, what memories they are!!!!!

So. Here is my dedication and my salute to Toy Story. Thanks for growing up alongside us.

Sorry this is so long. I was feeling like a sentimental fool.

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