An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Friday, August 20, 2010

Facebook: Self-Affirmation at its best.

So I decided to to start packing for college today. I move in Saturday...but it will be okay. Because I've promised myself not to stress too much.

Facebook. I "like" Facebook; Who doesn't? If we could all have a "like" button in life, we would probably all "like" it. But recently, I've noticed something. Facebook is a way for people to basically spend a few pointless hours stalking pictures of friends you hardly know and putting up statuses that beg the question: is Facebook really just a way to connect with friends? Or is it an attention-getter? Even I find myself trying to come up with witty, blistering remarks that people have no choice but to "like". And I don't know about you...but I'm getting rather sick of it. Facebook is beginning to lose substance to me.

Here's a few reasons:

1. When ever I am talking to someone, or texting someone, or doing something I love, I find myself mentally "liking" it. I'm not kidding. When someone says a cool phrase, I click this imaginary like button in my head, storing it away for future reference. Or even worse, I can see our conversation in a mini-window, and I comment on it. Please. Judge away.

2. I have too many friends. The other day I was looking through them, and I came across a young man with a Middle-Eastern sounding name. I didn't even know who this guy was. I sat there staring at my computer for about 10 minutes. But I noticed something interesting...Facebook makes it beyond simple to add someone as a friend; it's just a click away. To delete people? You have to go to their profile, scroll all the way down, and delete them. Hm. I never want to see this person again. Why would I desire to read all of his personal information before deleting him? Do they think I'm going to read his "About" section and rescind my decision to delete him? "Oh wow...he loves the Notebook and we have the same birthday and he eats the same chocolate brands? I think we'll be good friends."

3. I'm supposed to be packing right now...

4. It causes you to stop in the middle of things...packing, for instance.

5. the GAMES. Bejewled Blitz and Family Feud are some personal favorites. This is a pro, actually. I "like" the games.

Okay. The mental liking has got to stop.

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