An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blah, blah, blah.

I wanted to blog my first day of college, so that I could get my initial, raw feelings about it.

But, as I learned really quick, college is not for the faint of heart. It is not all fun and games. IT'S A JUNGLE. I remember some reactions and thoughts to some things I remember. Lemme see.......

1. Our neighbors in the dorms like to blast Ke$ha and rap music. Therefore, when walking down the hall, it assaults your ears and drifts in and out of your subconscious all day. Now, I don't really complain all that much, so I won't report it. It's just odd. I mean, Ke$ha?! Really?!!!! On moving day I thought I heard the sounds of sweet Buble from one room. All I wanna know is, where did those classy people go? Did they disappear in the haze of rap and raspy teenage insanity? I've decided it's my civic duty to Buble their socks off. They'll get crooned.

2. K-State campus is a maze. An intertwining maze full of mobs of unique music-listeners, bike-riding, text-while-walking (which I soon found out was a rather difficult thing to do), running, screaming (yes, someone actually yelled something at one point out of their car. I stopped and stared. Was it weird that everyone else around me kept walking? Is this something that happens every day?!), freshman-hating, Mocha-chugging Radinaholics. It's a wonderful, crazy new world out there.

3. My loft bed is really comfy.

4. A good spot to meet people in dorms is on the elevators.

5. Derb cheeseburgers and chocolate milk? 'Nuff said.

6. Stupid Ke$ha song is still stuck in my head...

7. I'm learning more and more that coffee is my friend...

8. There are some pretty eccentric people out there. There is this older guy in my 2-D art class that wears goggles, combat boots, vests, and talks like Kip from Napoleon Dynamite. If he is a cage-fighter...I'm never going to class again.

9. People treat freshman with either mild annoyance, slight contempt, or in rare cases, a kind though somewhat condescending manner. We know what we're doing, and, contrary to popular belief, rarely get lost. At least, I didn't. I may not know all the hangouts and slang and whatever. But really? You were a freshman a YEAR AGO. It's really not that long, people. Okay. Example. We were standing in line for lunch. These girls had gotten dashers (Derb to-go lingo), and they came back down the stairs through the crowd. Another girl starts yelling at them and saying words I would never repeat to my mother. The girls just flip her the sparrow and keep walking. She rolls her eyes and mumbles under her breath, "freshman." Now I ask, in this whole green God-given planet, does that insinuate freshman behavior? She could have been a senior for all we know. We are not dumb. We are not naive. We've been around the block as well. Just because you've lived another year than us does not mean you can treat us like we are 5. I'm sorry but it just really bothers me the way people act like freshman are the bane of existence.

That's it for now. I feel like I've already been here for about two decades and it's only been a few days. It's like some sort of weird, sector 4 dimension.


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