An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Forget Katniss...I wanna be Wonder Woman. Or Batman.

When we kids were younger (I sound like my grandparents. "When I was your age.....*mumble, mumble* uphill in the snow...*mumble, mumble*. Only kidding. I listen to my grandparents. You should too. They're like wise ligers in the wilderness). I don't know why I ended those parentheses with a period. I wasn't done with my statement, therefore this whole blog post is grammatically incorrect.

You following me so far?

Good. Me neither.

Anyways. When we kids (a.k.a. me and the sibs. Don't you just love parentheses? My english teacher hated them. But. He always said a little rebellion is good. So. Here goes) were younger (is that redundant? When we kids were younger? Should I really stop using parentheses? Am I even spelling "parentheses" right? Do blogs have spell checks? Am I ever going to get back to my story? Which came first, the lion or the tiger? BOTH. Because God created Ligers too) I always wanted to be the black power ranger. But Jesse made me be the pink one. Does this story have any moral significance? I would say yes; yes it does. People are going to try and make you be something you're not. Even your siblings. You have to rise above such ideas. If you wanna be the black power ranger in life, YOU BE THAT BLACK POWER RANGER! I don't like pink.

Do you ever hear those phrases and think to yourself, wow. I wonder how that phrase came to be.

1. "He/She was thrown under the bus." ?!!!!!!?!!!!!! WHAT?!!!!!! Ok. So things aren't working out for this person. I'm wondering....back in the day.
I looked it up. It's weird. You should look it up. I still think it sounds morbid and cannibalistic.

*Side note: I just went to this site and it said, "unavailable. Site is too busy." Since when is a website too busy? Haha I'm glad Facebook always makes time for me. Facebook is a true website.

2. "Close, but no cigar." Cigars are the official measurement of all things I guess.

Well. That's really all I have. If I think of more I'll just add them in, complete with smart comments and all.

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