An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I wanna be Katniss. Pleasekthnxbye.

I have Hunger Games FEVAH. I just love the books. So much. I wish I could audition for the part of Katniss. PSH. Right. Probably not pretty enough, or whatever.

Today. I hit my head on a loft bed. And I felt concussed from here to Ireland and back. I've never heard myself utter so many Mother-Of-Pearl-and-all-that-is-holy-on-this-earths in my life. It hurt. My head is still aching. 

I love Radinas. They have amazing creme sodas, as I found out today. The plan is to try all the flavors. That's the plan.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I have had many people in my life that I would consider heroes. While my family holds the highest esteem in my list, I would like to talk about others. These people have had impacts in my life, whether large or small, and have pushed me or encouraged me in my daily walk with Christ and just life in general.

1. My friends- It's such a cliche, but my true friends have been there for me, through thick and thin, no matter what, honest-to-goodness, Christian sisters, loving, awesome, friends. 'Nuff said.

2. Charles Bascom- This man is such a testimony to a deep and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He loves everyone and has such a heart for God. He is such a funny guy!!! Not a day has gone by where I haven't laughed at one of his intelligently-laid jokes. Him and his wife are such beautiful, Godly people, and if ever I needed a marriage mentor or just someone to go to when I needed a "faith-lift" (face-lift-->faith-lift. I think I heard it somewhere) they are the go-to people.

3. Mrs. B- For the sake of privacy I will use her nickname...but wow. What can I say? Teacher, mentor, and friend. She has guided me through the last three years of high school, and without her I would not be where I am today; with all of my hopes and dreams. I have laughed, cried, and talked her ear off in that tiny, music-filled office of hers. She is a Christian ally and I honestly don't know what else to say besides I love her like an older sister.

4. The Vaughan family- Each person in this family has played such a surprising role in my life. Mr. V with his advice and critique- I don't know why this guy ever found an interest to take the time to give me the constructive criticism I desperately need...but he does. After every show. Everyone else would tell me I'm amazing, but he had the guts to tell me I had talent...but I need to hone it. Kate-So unique!!! She has always been there to give me encouragement and love. She's also so fashionable :) her fiery spirit is sometimes just the thing I need. Mrs. V- such a sweetheart. I love her heart and she has always offered her home. One time I needed a prom dress, but I didn't have the money. They gave me 200 dollars. Wow. That's all I could say at the time so I wouldn't start crying at such generosity. 

5. The McBrians- every Summer we work a funnel cake stand owned by these lovely people, and it never ceases to amaze me how much I learn from them not only about greasy foods and the best Lemonade you've ever tasted, but just about life in general. They are so kind-hearted and generous. They give out so much free food and they always have such great stories to tell. Today, I told Mrs. M I wanted to do Broadway. I mentioned that it was a rather lofty goal, and she told me, "It doesn't matter. You always set your sights at 100%. Even when it doesn't work out, it's okay. Because you know you tried." It was such beautiful advice and I hope to never forget about them and what they've done for me. McBrians, if you're reading this? You'll always have free tickets to my shows. I will do my best to get there. And if I don't? You'll be getting free art. :)

These are just a few of many. But they were the first to come to my mind. I'm sorry this is one's really there to read it anyway haha

Friday, July 16, 2010

I'm tired.

There, you see?!!!! THAT was the shortest blog ever.

Guinness work. Not genius. Guinness. And when I say Guinness, I mean you need to take yourself outside of your comfort zone and think outside that box.

I'm also tired, kinda sorta ish.

Shortest blog ever.


Why do I stay up so late?

I like movies. I really do.

Maybe it's the actress in me. I don't know.

People...are judgy. Way too quick to judge. And when they're jealous? Even quicker. Sometimes I want to shake people, and tell them to get over themselves. Because there are starving children in Africa. Really.

This may be the shortest blog in the history of blogs. But who's counting?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Stupid. So stupid.

I'm a chicken killer.

I can't believe it.

Today at work, I decided to collect the eggs...and came back inside to make breakfast burritos. As soon as I crack the first egg, blood flows everywhere, and I see this tiny, dark ball of something fall out. It was a baby CHICK. DEAD. Turns out, my boss had been trying to hatch some chicks, and the hen had just stepped off them for a bit. Oh my LANTA. I'm a chicken killer. I feel awful. People thought it was gross...I just thought it was sad. Ugh. 

I hate fights. Especially when it's with someone you love. You know you're both wrong...but it's just so hard to choke it out. Until it's too late. And they've walked away, like usual. 

I don't have anything else to report. I've hit a stalemate. Work, work, work.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bread of Life

Today. Sunday. It's a day for Jesus, people!!! Well. Every day should be the day for Jesus. 

Today the Coffeys were back for a brief respite from missions in Tajikistan. It was really great to hear about all they've done over there, and it just made me more hungry for my missions in Africa. Brian mentioned how bread is very important to the Tajiks, and how if you say that Jesus is the bread of life, it clicks for them. And that got me to thinking. Isn't God so amazing that he makes our cultures so different and beautiful? That even something as simple as bread (life bread, mind you) can breach a barrier. And it made me realize that you don't have to be an eloquent speaker to be able to share the power of Jesus Christ with someone. I hope that makes you think, too. 

Another cute thing was when one of the little boys in our church said a prayer for the Coffeys. It was very soft and hard to hear, but I started crying. God heard him perfectly. He was so earnest and innocent, and I just wanted to hug him. I feel that we should love like children (Matthew 19:14), and question about God, rather than simply question God.

That reminds me. I got a letter from my Compassion Child the other day. (Compassion International Is a way that you can sponsor and send money to a child in an impoverished area so that they can do more in terms of schooling and learning more about God. If you want to learn more, visit  

That reminds me. I got a letter from my Compassion Child the other day. (Compassion International Is a way that you can sponsor and send money to a child in an impoverished area so that they can do more in terms of schooling and learning more about God. If you want to learn more, visit It's not super expensive and it can change a child's life. Okay. Sorry about the commercial break). Anyway, his name is Ibrahim. He's 12 and he lives in Burkina Faso. It made me tear up a bit, not gonna lie. It was just really great to see how my money can impact a child, and just by reading it how much he loves the Lord. This sponsorship has sated my want to go over to Africa a bit, and I can't wait to see what it will bring. Praise God.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Hi. My name is Bekah Bailey, and I'm addicted to Bejewled and Family Feud. Thank you.

Facebook is offering so much more to me than it did a day ago, mainly, the games. Bejeweled is kinda like RemovEm. 'Cept cooler. And I didn't know why everyone was playing it all the time and it was taking up my home page and I was like wow people get a life there's more than just sitting around the house on the computer playing dumb games that have absolutely nothing to do with the world outside. But I'm telling you now...this game is AWESOME. Complete with creepy man voice telling me my time is up.
Family Feud is cool too. Only problem is, you can only play 2 games every 10 hours or something ridiculous like that. Pft. What, do they think we're actually gonna pay for this crap?!!! No thanks.

Ran about 5 miles the other day. Wow. Never thought I'd be saying that. Hey I'm getting there!!! Half marathon, here I come!!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nursery Rhymes are creepy.

1. Humpty Dumpty has a great fall and breaks his head and no one can fix him. ?!!!!

2. Ring Around the Rosies is a story about the Bubonic Plague and people dropping dead. So they'd put roses in their pockets. CHILDREN SING THIS. How delight-flippin'-ful.

3. Rock-a-Bye-Baby. The child is rocking. Suddenly, a sudden gust of wind sends the cradle tumbling down and the baby to it's most-likely death. How cute!!!!

4. Jack and Jill. Jack gets a concussion or goodness knows what else, and Jill pulls a Lemming/Princess Bride/starcrossed lover moment and follows after him. I'm sure they both end up with a little more than a bump. Wonderful.

5. Old Mother Hubbard. Goes to the cupboard to get her dog a bone. But. There's nothing there. Does she feed her dog something else in the meanwhile? NO. It says the poor dog had none. NONE. Inhumane. PETA would be all over her face. 

6. Old woman who lived in a shoe (notice a lot of them are about old women?) running a miniature orphanage. And she spanks her children. Now, I have nothing against spanking children. But all it says is that she spanks them, then sends them off to bed. Did they even do anything?!!!! I mean, there's always at least one kid in the bunch. But ALL of them? Crikeys.

7. The Lady who swallows a fly. DARN RIGHT I don't know why!!!!!!!!! Idk if this is a legit nursery rhyme. But it's creepy, so it probably is. "Hey kids, guess what she did next?!!" "I-I-I don't w-w-wanna know..." "GUESS, JR.!!!!!" "*crying* o-o-okay. She spits them a-a-all out?" "NO SHE SWALLOWS A HORSE. SHE DIES OF COURSE!!!!!" *hysterical crying amidst a cackling laugh*.

I don't know. Those are just a few of many, I'm sure. The Gingerbread one is pretty whacked too. 

P.S. I HATE bees. Even the wood bees. I don't care that they don't sting you. They're huge and they dive-bomb you and when you accidentally hit them it's like hitting a squishy pellet of danger. I hate bees.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Spangles, it just tastes nasty.

Days to come home from vacation are always the hardest. Ugh.

Because it seems that's when the weight of reality always comes crashing back down on you. Have to finish raising money for tuition and books, have to work on schedule, have to do this...blah.

We saw a homeless man on our way back. I don't care when people say it's probably their fault and they deserve it. My heart still aches for them and I just want to help them. I wish we'd had food. My dad told me that he used to help homeless people and he even gave a guy a ride once. I wish I could do that. But it's probably not the best idea for a teenage girl to go picking up random homeless guys. Not recommended.

Well. It's kind of nice to be home though. In my own bed. AND. Got a lot of my Fall wardrobe in the books.

Have you ever thought about weird phrases? I'll give you one. "Thrown under the bus". What the skylark?!!!! What I want to know is...where did they get that?!!! I want to also see the reaction of the person it was tried on. "So Jimmy was the last in the lunch-line today..." "Yes. Got thrown under the bus again." "WHAT?!!!! Do not speak of such things!!" P.S. I have no idea why they'd be talking about some kid in a lunch-line. Because who cares about a poorly named kid with placement issues? P.P.S. Sorry if you're named Jimmy, or if you're named Jimmy and you always get stuck in the back. Trust me, I know that feeling.

What am I even talking about? Idk.

Spangles does NOT taste better, contrary to popular commercial. I had their Mushroom Swiss. It was okay, but definitely NOT worth $3.00. And their cookie dough mudslide was not good at all. And it was as much as the burger. What in the globe.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Old Ladies, Jesus and Ghana.

Today we went out to eat with grandma's bridge cronies. It was AWESOME. Whoever says hanging out with old ladies is boring needs to go stick their heads in a bucket of ice. It was grandma, Millie and Kathy. OMG. They rock my socks. First of all, they just talk. Not boring or useless. They love the simple things and that's what I like. They aren't self-centered and they like to ask about YOU. Kathy is hilarious. She told this funny story about her friend Doug, who was in the hospital. She called him one day and he was gone. "Where the Heck is Doug?!!!" Except she didn't say heck. I think that's why I thought the story was so funny. You'd never expect that out of her mouth, she's so sweet. Millie was excited because she'd gotten a hearing aide. I don't know. It was just a fun time. Like I said, my grandma is very close to Jesus in my opinion. So I will view her friends with the same biased ideas in my mind haha

Next, we're off to the Bailey grandparents for swimming at Stephens lake, then dinner. My has been at home working, but he came to Columbia today, so he'll be there.

Why is my writing so boring? Idk. I guess because I don't have much of a life. But I'm on vacation. Give me a break. I don't have to think on vacation.

I love my grandpa's keyboard. It's very clicky-clacky. I love keyboards like that. It just makes me want to type endlessly.

Their shower is pretty nice too.

You know it's a nice house when the bathroom has matching towels and flowers and rugs and curtains. Cute.

World Cup. I never thought I'd find a sport that I'd really love besides the Olympics. I'm obsessed. I LOVE SOCCER. My vote was for Ghana, after they beat the U.S. They lost. LAME SAUCE.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Well. Today was a grand day of shopping. Whopee!!!! Got some new clothes. Surprise, surprise.

Levi, my little brother, is quite the git at times. I read his texts today (I'm a snoopy snoop. I don't care) and he was talking to his buddy about how he dreads the car ride with us over here and both his sisters are being annoying and acting like they know everything for attention. Psh. As if HE doesn't do that all the time. I know for a fact he wears his aviators and walks around acting like nothing can touch him and acts like he's cool is just an act for attention. So you see Levi? Everyone has something about them that's annoying or attention-getters. You have your fair share, sir. You annoy me too sometimes. So whaddya think about that, eh?!!!!

Had to rant. I don't care if he sees this.

Grandma used the phrase "ugly as sin" today. Hilarious. I'm totally using that now.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

I honestly don't know.

So I look down at my earlier Toy Story Post...and it's in a different language. It looked like flipping Hieroglyphics. And I should get a gold star for spelling Hieroglyphics right the first time. Thanks.

Well. I'll tell you something priceless. Advil PM. I just took two. Judging by how foggy my noggin feels at the moment, I will probably be knocked out for the next two days.

I hate how some people feel that the world owes them something. You know what I mean? I'm sure I do it all the time, but as I'm in a rather obnoxious, hypocritic mood, I figured it wouldn't hurt. Hey. Hello. The world does not owe you ANYTHING. There are starving children in Africa and you walk around in all of your...pompousity (it didn't spell check this word. Is pompousity a word? I really don't think it is. Maybe I didn't spell Hieroglyphics right. Now I'm second-guessing myself. HOORAY FOR PARENTHESES AND FLAMING!!!!!!! Two things my english teacher absolutely HATES. Hm. Well, since I'm in an obnoxious mood. And, I'm going to use pompousity. Def: to be an absolute slimy git and act like you're better than everyone else and act like the world owes you something).

Despite my parenthetical madness, today went swimmingly. We are in Columbia, MO, visiting the grandparents. Isn't that convenient? They live miles away from each other. And did I mention I love my grandparents? I really do. If I could compare someone on earth with Jesus, it would be grandparents and Charles Bascom. Saints, I tell you. And them spoiling me with donuts and clothes has nothing whatsoever to do with that vote.

Yesterday driving over was quite the adventure. Later in the night we (we being Janelle, Levi, my mother dearest and I) were so giddy we were laughing about the dumbest things. We saw a sign for a place called Blimpie's. Awful name. There are so many negative connotations you can get from that. I think it was a little past my mom's bedtime as well. Levi asked what Lemmings looked like. Her immediate response? "Penguins." Um. Lemmings look like slightly deranged prairie dogs, mom. And, when she was driving, she glances quickly over her shoulder and mumbles under her breath, in a British accent no less, "ahnd now for our fahst drohving lesson: Mohtahsahcahlihsts." (Translation: and now for our first driving lesson: Motorcyclists). So then we all started giving driving lessons in British accents. It was MLIA-worthy. EXCEPT MY LIFE IS FAR FROM AVERAGE, YA WORTHLESS DUDS!!!!! I'M A CITIZEN AND I APPLY MYSELF!!!!

I really wasn't angry. I was just flaming for the heck of it.

Flaming: Def: to type in all-caps. Ex: FLAMING SOUNDS LIKE A HOMOSEXUAL CONNOTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For better results, add extra exclamation points on the end.

OK. Now that you've read through this entirely pointless blog some more!!!

P.S. Tonight, I watched Julie & Julia (note: I wrote the title exactly how it is, ampersand and all). It inspired my to get off my non-blogging butt and, So. Here goes. I know that it's rather pointless, because absolutely no one reads them. But maybe someday I'll be famous and make lots of money and bored people with boring lives will read it. Someday. That's what I have to look forward to. Writing bland blogs for bland people. Say that five times fast.