An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Monday, July 5, 2010

Spangles, it just tastes nasty.

Days to come home from vacation are always the hardest. Ugh.

Because it seems that's when the weight of reality always comes crashing back down on you. Have to finish raising money for tuition and books, have to work on schedule, have to do this...blah.

We saw a homeless man on our way back. I don't care when people say it's probably their fault and they deserve it. My heart still aches for them and I just want to help them. I wish we'd had food. My dad told me that he used to help homeless people and he even gave a guy a ride once. I wish I could do that. But it's probably not the best idea for a teenage girl to go picking up random homeless guys. Not recommended.

Well. It's kind of nice to be home though. In my own bed. AND. Got a lot of my Fall wardrobe in the books.

Have you ever thought about weird phrases? I'll give you one. "Thrown under the bus". What the skylark?!!!! What I want to know is...where did they get that?!!! I want to also see the reaction of the person it was tried on. "So Jimmy was the last in the lunch-line today..." "Yes. Got thrown under the bus again." "WHAT?!!!! Do not speak of such things!!" P.S. I have no idea why they'd be talking about some kid in a lunch-line. Because who cares about a poorly named kid with placement issues? P.P.S. Sorry if you're named Jimmy, or if you're named Jimmy and you always get stuck in the back. Trust me, I know that feeling.

What am I even talking about? Idk.

Spangles does NOT taste better, contrary to popular commercial. I had their Mushroom Swiss. It was okay, but definitely NOT worth $3.00. And their cookie dough mudslide was not good at all. And it was as much as the burger. What in the globe.

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