An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I honestly don't know.

So I look down at my earlier Toy Story Post...and it's in a different language. It looked like flipping Hieroglyphics. And I should get a gold star for spelling Hieroglyphics right the first time. Thanks.

Well. I'll tell you something priceless. Advil PM. I just took two. Judging by how foggy my noggin feels at the moment, I will probably be knocked out for the next two days.

I hate how some people feel that the world owes them something. You know what I mean? I'm sure I do it all the time, but as I'm in a rather obnoxious, hypocritic mood, I figured it wouldn't hurt. Hey. Hello. The world does not owe you ANYTHING. There are starving children in Africa and you walk around in all of your...pompousity (it didn't spell check this word. Is pompousity a word? I really don't think it is. Maybe I didn't spell Hieroglyphics right. Now I'm second-guessing myself. HOORAY FOR PARENTHESES AND FLAMING!!!!!!! Two things my english teacher absolutely HATES. Hm. Well, since I'm in an obnoxious mood. And, I'm going to use pompousity. Def: to be an absolute slimy git and act like you're better than everyone else and act like the world owes you something).

Despite my parenthetical madness, today went swimmingly. We are in Columbia, MO, visiting the grandparents. Isn't that convenient? They live miles away from each other. And did I mention I love my grandparents? I really do. If I could compare someone on earth with Jesus, it would be grandparents and Charles Bascom. Saints, I tell you. And them spoiling me with donuts and clothes has nothing whatsoever to do with that vote.

Yesterday driving over was quite the adventure. Later in the night we (we being Janelle, Levi, my mother dearest and I) were so giddy we were laughing about the dumbest things. We saw a sign for a place called Blimpie's. Awful name. There are so many negative connotations you can get from that. I think it was a little past my mom's bedtime as well. Levi asked what Lemmings looked like. Her immediate response? "Penguins." Um. Lemmings look like slightly deranged prairie dogs, mom. And, when she was driving, she glances quickly over her shoulder and mumbles under her breath, in a British accent no less, "ahnd now for our fahst drohving lesson: Mohtahsahcahlihsts." (Translation: and now for our first driving lesson: Motorcyclists). So then we all started giving driving lessons in British accents. It was MLIA-worthy. EXCEPT MY LIFE IS FAR FROM AVERAGE, YA WORTHLESS DUDS!!!!! I'M A CITIZEN AND I APPLY MYSELF!!!!

I really wasn't angry. I was just flaming for the heck of it.

Flaming: Def: to type in all-caps. Ex: FLAMING SOUNDS LIKE A HOMOSEXUAL CONNOTATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For better results, add extra exclamation points on the end.

OK. Now that you've read through this entirely pointless blog some more!!!

P.S. Tonight, I watched Julie & Julia (note: I wrote the title exactly how it is, ampersand and all). It inspired my to get off my non-blogging butt and, So. Here goes. I know that it's rather pointless, because absolutely no one reads them. But maybe someday I'll be famous and make lots of money and bored people with boring lives will read it. Someday. That's what I have to look forward to. Writing bland blogs for bland people. Say that five times fast.

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