An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Friday, July 23, 2010


I have had many people in my life that I would consider heroes. While my family holds the highest esteem in my list, I would like to talk about others. These people have had impacts in my life, whether large or small, and have pushed me or encouraged me in my daily walk with Christ and just life in general.

1. My friends- It's such a cliche, but my true friends have been there for me, through thick and thin, no matter what, honest-to-goodness, Christian sisters, loving, awesome, friends. 'Nuff said.

2. Charles Bascom- This man is such a testimony to a deep and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He loves everyone and has such a heart for God. He is such a funny guy!!! Not a day has gone by where I haven't laughed at one of his intelligently-laid jokes. Him and his wife are such beautiful, Godly people, and if ever I needed a marriage mentor or just someone to go to when I needed a "faith-lift" (face-lift-->faith-lift. I think I heard it somewhere) they are the go-to people.

3. Mrs. B- For the sake of privacy I will use her nickname...but wow. What can I say? Teacher, mentor, and friend. She has guided me through the last three years of high school, and without her I would not be where I am today; with all of my hopes and dreams. I have laughed, cried, and talked her ear off in that tiny, music-filled office of hers. She is a Christian ally and I honestly don't know what else to say besides I love her like an older sister.

4. The Vaughan family- Each person in this family has played such a surprising role in my life. Mr. V with his advice and critique- I don't know why this guy ever found an interest to take the time to give me the constructive criticism I desperately need...but he does. After every show. Everyone else would tell me I'm amazing, but he had the guts to tell me I had talent...but I need to hone it. Kate-So unique!!! She has always been there to give me encouragement and love. She's also so fashionable :) her fiery spirit is sometimes just the thing I need. Mrs. V- such a sweetheart. I love her heart and she has always offered her home. One time I needed a prom dress, but I didn't have the money. They gave me 200 dollars. Wow. That's all I could say at the time so I wouldn't start crying at such generosity. 

5. The McBrians- every Summer we work a funnel cake stand owned by these lovely people, and it never ceases to amaze me how much I learn from them not only about greasy foods and the best Lemonade you've ever tasted, but just about life in general. They are so kind-hearted and generous. They give out so much free food and they always have such great stories to tell. Today, I told Mrs. M I wanted to do Broadway. I mentioned that it was a rather lofty goal, and she told me, "It doesn't matter. You always set your sights at 100%. Even when it doesn't work out, it's okay. Because you know you tried." It was such beautiful advice and I hope to never forget about them and what they've done for me. McBrians, if you're reading this? You'll always have free tickets to my shows. I will do my best to get there. And if I don't? You'll be getting free art. :)

These are just a few of many. But they were the first to come to my mind. I'm sorry this is one's really there to read it anyway haha

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