An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.

What was any art but a mold in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose. ~Willa Cather

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bread of Life

Today. Sunday. It's a day for Jesus, people!!! Well. Every day should be the day for Jesus. 

Today the Coffeys were back for a brief respite from missions in Tajikistan. It was really great to hear about all they've done over there, and it just made me more hungry for my missions in Africa. Brian mentioned how bread is very important to the Tajiks, and how if you say that Jesus is the bread of life, it clicks for them. And that got me to thinking. Isn't God so amazing that he makes our cultures so different and beautiful? That even something as simple as bread (life bread, mind you) can breach a barrier. And it made me realize that you don't have to be an eloquent speaker to be able to share the power of Jesus Christ with someone. I hope that makes you think, too. 

Another cute thing was when one of the little boys in our church said a prayer for the Coffeys. It was very soft and hard to hear, but I started crying. God heard him perfectly. He was so earnest and innocent, and I just wanted to hug him. I feel that we should love like children (Matthew 19:14), and question about God, rather than simply question God.

That reminds me. I got a letter from my Compassion Child the other day. (Compassion International Is a way that you can sponsor and send money to a child in an impoverished area so that they can do more in terms of schooling and learning more about God. If you want to learn more, visit  

That reminds me. I got a letter from my Compassion Child the other day. (Compassion International Is a way that you can sponsor and send money to a child in an impoverished area so that they can do more in terms of schooling and learning more about God. If you want to learn more, visit It's not super expensive and it can change a child's life. Okay. Sorry about the commercial break). Anyway, his name is Ibrahim. He's 12 and he lives in Burkina Faso. It made me tear up a bit, not gonna lie. It was just really great to see how my money can impact a child, and just by reading it how much he loves the Lord. This sponsorship has sated my want to go over to Africa a bit, and I can't wait to see what it will bring. Praise God.


tweet28 said...

I love this blog! So true, so may want to edit it, though, because I think you repeated some things on accident :)

tweet28 said...

I really like your new template for your blog, especially since your name is "the Artist at Work" and you are now displaying some of your work! ;)

Jess said...

You inspire me. Just thought you should know.